At the Center for Pain Relief, we treat patients with compassion and respect as we help them manage their pain. Located at the Medical Office Building at Pine Creek Medical Center in Dallas, our center primarily focuses on interventional pain management but also incorporates medical pain management.
Services & Procedures
Our practice primarily focuses on interventional pain management but also incorporates medical pain management.
We treat a variety of pain syndromes, acute and chronic as well as cancer pain. Common examples of chronic pain include:
- Lower back pain
- Neuralgias
- Complex Regional Pain Syndromes
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
- Cancer pain
- Acute pain secondary to recent injuries or post surgical procedures
Dr. Ramirez has treated thousands of patients employing various techniques including state-of-the-art technologies such as spinal cord stimulation, intrathecal delivery of narcotics using a programmable pump, radiofrequency neurolysis, Botulinum Toxin A, along with epidural steroid injections, facet blocks and various peripheral nerve blocks.